Digital Asset Exchange
Global Digital Exchange is a new cross-era artificial intelligence decentralized trading platform with virtual artificial intelligence market maker (GDE) and NFT digital as the core. Based on artificial intelligence algorithms, a smart exchange that protects the interests of investors is established and operated on the Balanced Smart Chain (BSC).
NFT gold trading auction contracts include spot physical contracts, spot contract, spot deferred settlement contract.
Spot firm contracts include: Au50g, Au100g, Au99.99, Au99.95, Au99.5, PGC30g, Pt99.95, iAu100g, iAu99.99, iAu99.5, of which iAu100g, iAu99.99, iAu99.5 are international contract;
Spot contracts include: Ag99.9 and Ag99.99;
Spot deferred settlement contracts include: Au(T+D), mAu(T+D), Au(T+N1), Au T+N2), Ag(T+D), NYAuTN06, NYAuTN12.
Digital Stock Exchange
Digital Property Exchange is a global leader in digital stock trading, and a state-assisted central enterprise realizes a new cross-era NFT stock trading decentralized trading platform with digital assets and NFT numbers as the core. Based on the smart contract algorithm, establish and operate a smart exchange on the smart chain to protect the interests of investors.

NFT Digital Bond
NFT bonds are securities that use blockchain smart contracts to raise funds, pay a certain percentage of interest at an agreed time, and repay the principal at maturity. According to different issuers, it can be divided into government bonds, financial bonds and corporate bonds. When an investor buys a bond, it's like borrowing money from a government, a large corporation, or other bond issuer. Of the three, government bonds have the least risk because they are guaranteed by government taxes, but also have the lowest returns. Corporate bonds have the greatest risk and the greatest reward. The full name of NFT is Non-Fungible Token, which is an irreplaceable token. Familiar blockchain-based accounting tokens are BTC and ETH, which are both homogenized tokens. Each homogenized token can be replaced with each other, and each NFT is unique and irreplaceable.
NFT Digital Coupon
NFT Digital Stock
The full name of NFT is Non-Fungible Token, which is a non-fungible token. The familiar blockchain-based accounting tokens are BTC and ETH, which are all homogenized tokens. Each homogenized token can be replaced by each other, and each NFT is unique and irreplaceable.
NFTs mark ownership and accompanying rights to digital assets. Based on the decentralization and tamper-resistant characteristics of the blockchain, the generation and circulation of NFTs are recorded on the blockchain, so the ownership and transaction records are credible and reliable. Since NFT itself has irreplaceable characteristics, NFT can record and reflect the unique characteristics of each specific digital asset. Taking stocks as an example, stocks with NFT as a carrier cannot be copied at will, and a stock corresponds to only one NFT, which is one of the reasons why NFT has economic value
NFT Digital Fund
NFT investment funds, or collective investment plans, investment trusts, refer to the collection of funds of a group of people, and manage investments through smart contracts to create higher investment returns. According to the principles of benefit sharing and risk sharing, it is a tool for centralizing funds scattered in the hands of investors for quantitative investment and application
The full name of NFT is Non-Fungible Token, which is an irreplaceable token. Familiar blockchain-based accounting tokens are BTC and ETH, which are both homogenized tokens. Every homogenized token can be replaced with each other, and every NFT is unique and irreplaceable
Taking funds as an example, funds using NFT as a carrier cannot be copied at will. A fund only corresponds to one NFT, which is why NFT has economic value.
NFT digital gold currency is a form of electronic currency based on the quality of gold. The typical unit of measure for this currency is the gram or troy ounce, and sometimes gold dinars are used. Digital gold currencies are funded through unquota or decentralized gold storage. Digital gold currency providers hold gold as reserves in blockchain smart contracts to automatically execute transactions, sub-spot, and futures.The full name of NFT is Non-Fungible Token, which is a non-fungible token. The familiar blockchain-based accounting tokens are BTC and ETH, which are all homogenized tokens. Each homogenized token can be replaced by each other, and each NFT is unique and irreplaceable.
NFT digital insurance policy
The digital revolution has raised customer expectations of service providers, and the insurance industry is no exception. Digital technologies empower insurers to deliver results. It offers new ways of working; new ways of interacting with customers; and new types of insurance products. Blockchain technology smart contract. From NFT policy, dividends, claims, all realized
Businesses with digital opportunities will build higher customer loyalty and drive revenue growth. The generation and circulation of NFTs are recorded on the blockchain, so ownership and transaction records are credible and reliable. Since NFT itself has irreplaceable characteristics, NFT can record and reflect the unique characteristics of each specific digital asset. Taking insurance policies as an example, insurance policies with NFT as the carrier cannot be copied at will. One insurance policy corresponds to only one NFT, which is why NFT has economic value.